OutSystems: How to handle multi time zone applications?
Learn what multi-time zone applications are,
why they matter and if your business needs one.
Subject to spontaneous outbursts of geek speech!
Every programmer that has worked in projects that cover more than one geographic location, and where the time displayed to the user is important, has felt the pain of working with multi time zone. In Outsystems it is no different.
Fortunately, as the saying goes “there’s an app for that”, or in our case “there’s a Forge component for that”. Discover what multi-time zone applications are, why they matter and if your business needs one.
What are multi time zone applications?
Multi-time zone applications are apps that cater to users spread across different time zones. These apps need to ensure that time-sensitive features, like scheduling, notifications, or live updates, work seamlessly regardless of where the user is located.
For example, imagine you’re building an app that allows people to book appointments, join virtual meetings, or receive alerts. If you have users in New York, London, and Tokyo, the app needs to adapt automatically to show the correct local times for each user. A meeting scheduled for 3 PM in New York shouldn’t appear as 3 PM for someone in London – it should show up as 8 PM local time for them, and the following morning for users in Tokyo. Essentially, multi time zone applications adapt to global time differences to offer a steady experience for users everywhere.
Why it matters
In a world with remote work, global teams, and international clients, your app needs to meet the demands of users everywhere.
Ensuring a steady user experience
Users expect your app to work flawlessly, regardless of where they are. Whether they’re using your app to set reminders, track deliveries, or manage personal tasks, they don’t want to worry about time differences. If your app adjusts to their local time zone, it creates a hassle-free experience.
Avoiding costly errors
For businesses, mistakes related to time zones can lead to more than just confusion. A missed deadline or a late notification could cause major disruptions, financial losses, or reputational damage – for example, in coordinating global shipping or notifying customers about time-sensitive sales. Accurate time zone management prevents costly errors and ensures that everything runs like clockwork.
Enhancing real-time collaboration
Many apps today rely on real-time interactions, from gaming to messaging to team collaboration tools. Multi-time zone management ensures that these features work properly across the globe, allowing users to engage with each other without barriers. Users can work together, share updates or enjoy live content without a hitch, no matter the time zone.
Scaling for global growth
As your app grows, so will its user base. At some point, you’re likely to attract users from different parts of the world. Having multi-time zone functionality built in from the start ensures your app is ready for global expansion. It saves you from having to make complex adjustments later and sets your platform up for success on a larger scale.
Supporting legal and regulatory compliance
Certain industries, like finance, healthcare, and logistics, have strict regulations that vary by region. Ensuring accurate time zone handling can be crucial for compliance, as businesses need precise timestamps for financial transactions, medical records, or contract deadlines. Mistakes in time tracking could lead to legal complications, and robust time zone support helps your app stay compliant across different countries and industries.
Time Zone component actions
For traditional applications we can use the timezone component avaliable on the Forge.
With this component you can do several actions including the important:
- GetCurrentTimeZone – returns a TimeZone record containing the current time zone details of the system where the app is running.
This time zone record is composed by:
- Identifier – unique identifier for the time zone (ex: UTC, India Standard Time, etc.)
- StandardName – Standard name for the time zone (ex: UTC, India Standard Time, etc.)
- DisplayName – Display name for the time zone (ex: (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi)
- UtcOffset – Offset in minutes from the UTC time zone to this time zone (ex: for India Standard Time is plus 330 minutes from UTC)
- SupportsDaylightSaving – True if the time zone supports daylight savings, false if not
- IsDaylightSaving – True if the time zone is currently in daylight savings, false if not
With this component you can also get the time zone by location (Lisbon, Paris, etc.), by Windows/java identifier or by IANA code.
You can use ConvertFromTimeZone to convert between two time zones, ConvertFromUTC to convert from the UTC time zone to another one and ConvertToUTC to convert to the UTC time zone.
When you are dealing with different time zones you should keep the necessary datetimes in your database in the UTC time zone so it’s easier to convert them to the user Time zone using the ConvertFromUTC and the ConvertToUTC actions.
With this component it is easy to get the server time zone using the action GetCurrentTimeZone. What if I need the user’s time zone? That is the real problem for which Outystems doesn’t give us an easy solution. So we need to resort to javascript.
Getting the user’s time zone
There isn’t a definitive way to get the correct time zone of the user’s browser. The best option would be to let the users define their own time zone and then convert the server times using the actions available in the Time Zone component. However, if you really need to be able to detect the user’s browser time zone there is no other way but JavaScript.
Even with JavaScript there is an easy way and a hard way. The first one returns correct values for the time zone but isn’t supported in all browsers (I’m looking at you IE 11). The second one (and in my opinion quite inefficient) will get you the current UTC offset but may not be able to return the exact time zone location the user is in. As you can see, both options are valid but each one comes with a catch. Depending on your project requirements, you need to pick the one that is a better fit for your situation.
Easy way – Internationalization API
The Intl object provides a series of tools for language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, and date and time formatting. For the task in hand we will be using this expression:
This expression, in supported browsers, will return the standard IANA name for the time zone. With this name you can use the action GetIANATimeZone from time zone component to get the correct time zone record for that time name.
Hard way – offset from UTC
When the easy way doesn’t work and is enough to know the offset between the user’s browser time zone and UTC, you only need:
new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
This will return the difference in minutes between UTC time and the browser’s time. Note that if the times we need to change are in UTC and we need to change them to the user’s time it’s simple math. But if we need more details about the user’s time zone, we‘ll have to make an educated guess using that offset. A simple way of doing this is to get all the system time zones with the GetSystemTimeZones action and cycle through them until finding one with the correct offset. Unfortunately, this will most likely not get the correct time zone but the first one with that offset.
For testing the functionalities of the TimeZone component and how to get the user’s time zone we created a page to test the functionalities described below:
In the first line we have the server time and time zone. In the second one, the server time converted to UTC. At last, the client time and time zone info.
Server time and time in UTC are done in preparation. We get the server time zone with getCurrentTimeZone and then we feed the server time and the server time zone identifier to ConvertToUTC to get the converted datetime.
For the user time zone if we don’t have it already before entering the page, we can only get it after the page is loaded. The logic for getting the user time zone is encapsulated in a webblock that returns the user time zone to the parent page.
In this webblock we kept the script that handles the necessary javascript, an input to keep the values returned by the javascript and 2 buttons: one for when we can get the IANA name and one for when we must get it by the offset.
The Script
Button IANA
If we have the IANA name we just need to use the GetIANATimeZone action and the trigger the ReturnTimezone event (Yay for outsystems 11, but if can’t use it, use the old notify to return the values that you need) that returns the timezone record to the parent.
Button Offset
By offset, as mentioned before, is just inefficient. You’ll most likely not get the correct time zone, but you will have the correct offset to do your calculations. We get the systems time zones and then iterate trough them until we find one with the same offset and then return the timezone using the ReturnTimezone event.
In the parent screen, we create a handler for the returnTimezone event that will do the necessary conversions and refresh the necessary parts of the screen that will now display the correct information.
As you can see the change will not be immediate. There will be a few seconds before the event is triggered and you can display the correct times. This can be solved by using this logic on an entry screen and keeping the necessary info about the time zone in session variables so when you enter another screen you can already do the necessary conversions before the page is loaded.
Converting times between time zones isn’t difficult. We already have existing components that do the job for us.
Keep the date times in your database in UTC so it’s easier to convert to any time zone you’ll want in the future.
Regarding the time zone of the user, it’s easier if you know it beforehand (let the user define it). But, let’s face it, normally this isn’t possible. That’s why we need to implement one of these options. Your job is to understand which one is better to solve your problem!
Outsystems Reactive multi time zone applications
For Reactive applications, the time zone presented to the user is always the time zone of the browser, so we do not need to worry about what time zone is displayed for the user.
Near Parter, your expert in multi time zone applications
Ensuring your app performs flawlessly across time zones is essential for a global audience. With the right development partner, you can deliver a steady, user-friendly experience no matter where your users are.
Ready to take your app global? Let our team build the unified multi-time zone functionality that you need to keep your business connected across the world. Get in touch!
Outsystems Module for multi time zone applications
We developed a working case to help you implement this solution!
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