Building blocks of innovation: what is modular architecture
Modular architecture is a revolutionary programming approach
that gets more done – on budget and on quality. Find out what it is and why it matters.
Ever since Henry Ford built the first Model T in 1913, managers, consultants, researchers and workers have been looking for ways of replicating that same logic elsewhere. Over 100 years later, coders are turning vision to reality, by reinterpreting the assembly line concept to their unique programming needs. The result is a leaner approach to IT projects, with shorter lead times and less tech debt. This is what modular architecture actually means for projects and why it matters. What we will cover:
- What is a modular architecture?
- Why is modular architecture important
- Best practices for modular architecture
What is a modular architecture?
Say you were building a car. What does the final assembly line look like? Bolts and screws or doors and bumpers?
For reasons of space and speed, assembly line workers have “modules” or pre-built “kits” at their disposal, which can be quickly and efficiently assembled on the car chassis. This saves time in fixing, adjusting and testing individual items. The modular architecture approach to coding works in a similar way.
Under it, coders have pre-assembled, and pre-tested modules (the car doors) at their disposal, rather than isolated scripts (the bolts), to build a final product. Each building block, which can be composed of several scripts, contains all the parts necessary to perform a designated task. Then, blocks are stacked together to create an application.
For Lego fans, same as car buffs, analogies are readily available. It is not so much as building a Lego from different blocks, but more like building a Lego city from different sets.
Why is modular architecture important
Technology is constantly evolving, with new features added all the time. Such fast-paced evolution increases testing needs, reducing developers’ productivity. On the other hand, customers’ demand for innovation is ever growing. Thus, developers need a faster way to develop applications. Modular architecture is the answer, with many advantages over traditional methods.
Greater scalability
Managing applications at scale becomes a challenge when additional needs arise and when it is necessary to update or add complementary features. With modular architecture, it is possible to separate the project into smaller modules and allocate developers only to the module where the problem was detected. As such, managers can allocate coders to specific modules, increasing accountability and productivity.
Ease of maintenance
Detecting and resolving errors is a hassle, even to well-trained teams. Module architecture makes fixing issues faster and more agile, because erros are limited to certain modules. Thus, it is no longer necessary to analyse every file, and changes to a particular module will not affect the others. The same happens every time a change or update is made to a single module. Rather than retesting the entire application, only the affected areas need to be revised.
Reusable code
In modular architecture, code is written in modules that work independently of each other. This means that coders can use them in different applications, simply by importing them to other projects. Thus, the work that is done once can be reused countless times, which exponentially increases the productivity of any developer.
Best practices for modular architecture
Creating an application using modular architecture starts with dividing the various features into separate modules. This division can be done by resource or by layer, and the choice depends on the team and the project scope.
Land on resource or layer based modular architecture
Under the resource-based modular architecture approach, code modules are created according to each application resource. Each module defines a unique feature, which can be integrated into multiple applications and a change in one does not affect the others. It is the ideal approach when the project is large-scaled or when the team is composed of many elements.
In modular architecture based on layers, however, the application is separated into layers, such as data, domains or presentations, which are then transformed into modules. Thus, there are fewer isolated modules, with more flexible rules.
Keep a clean code
Whichever approach is chosen, it is important to know in depth the characteristics and needs of each project before moving on to the development phase. Also, it is critical to keep the code simple, without duplication or redundancies. Code will then be easier to read, understand and maintain over time, increasing its potential for reuse and scalability.
Be obvious when naming modules
There are many occasions when creativity is essential– naming modules, however, is not one of them. Give your modules names that are easy to understand. When the project involves multiple modules, you might be tempted not to think about names and mix them up – but assigning a clear, easy-to-understand naming logic will save you time and stress. That way, any developer will know everything about a code just by reading its name.
Build for openness and avoid tech lock-in
To foster modularity in your business, choose open source and certified technologies – more likely to be accepted by other apps and partners. Also, enhance integration with APIs as a communication tool, and a module book or catalogue, to be enriched and updated. Avoid technological or business lock‑in, by identifying solutions that make it easy to switch providers. Finally, implement practices to accelerate software development, such as Agile, low-code, and DevOps.
Near Partner, building modular architecture
Modular architecture is shaping up to be the future of application development. With nodular architecture, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel every time you create an application – the modules already exist and are waiting to be perfectly integrated and combined to create a new product.
The Near Partner developer community has already adopted this approach. We apply this and many other best development practices. Get in touch with Near Partner and let’s get your website or app up and running.